Documentary – A 10 minute reel that is mandatory for cinema owners to screen before each show
Oscar Winner – A movie that is best appreciated by a dozen jurists leaving the rest of mortality in a puzzled state
Now try combining these two – Sounds like Balu Mahendra’s Schindler’s List?
With these running at the back of mind, and braving a late teen temperature, I marched ahead with my parents to the Village Cinemas at the Crown Casino Complex here. My only positive thought was that it was just going to be one hour, so even if it is going to be boring, it was not going to be enduring. What’s more we were late by about a couple of minutes, and I didn’t regret it, for, it was just a documentary.
THE MARCH OF THE PENGUINS proved all my inhibitions wrong. It is perhaps the most engrossing documentary that you would ever come across. With no humans involved in front of the camera, and no sixth sense corrupting the first five, or less, it is a feast for the eyes.
It is one of the best exhibitions of how invaluable life is. To what extent the parents go to protect the offspring, against the winds, the storms and predators were captured in the most pristine way. And the parents remain partner only for oneyear, but their commitment to the new life that they have been responsible for, is unparalleled.
The simple laws of United we stand , divided we fall, team spirit, and Dare not love thy neighbour ;), were so well shot, that it didn’t even actually need any narration…
For a documentary, it was just too entertaining.. may be NGC and Discovery would have covered hoards on this subject, I am sure there is something that separates this from the rest ..why else would I be sitting in the most crowded hall in the multiplex.. yes there were about 70 people.. and that is quite a sight given that it was a Saturday evening …
And why else would I resume blogging with this topic after 2 months?
If the Penguins March thro your town, please don’t miss this.. be rest assured that you will not return disappointed.. I am deliberately not getting into a detailed review, for I will become super senti and philosophical and also would give away some of the cute little twists in the film…Happy viewing..