28 November, 2006

A String of relationships

How much of a difference does a string make to a person, and how much is it used to signify relationships…I can think of half a dozen strings /threads right away that substantiates this.

The rakhee tied to reinforce the bonding between a brother and sister, by birth or otherwise

The string that is tied on the wrist, and sometimes around the hip ;) to ward off the evil eye

The mangal suthra that symbolizes the start of married life for the woman,

The sacred thread that symbolizes the beginning of brahmacharya for a boy

The strings that are tied around the branches of trees in temples which denotes a prayer for well being of a beloved, or any desire for that matter

It is quite easy to understand this, as the tighter these strings are tied, the stronger and longer it lasts.. simple isn’t it?

By the way, I was saying that I can think of six strings and have mentioned only five……on hind sight.. thought would leave out the sixth, as this blog is rated as ‘G’… … please switch off your dirty brain cells that is looking to add two and two here ;)


Shreyas Ramanathan said...

machi maanja kaire thavaray ella kaire pathi ezdhudutay

Anonymous said...

Lol well tailored post!!.. wat are the strings behind this post?? :P:P.. *no strings attached*!! hehe

Anonymous said...

Ah machi!!!!! nice post da!!!! So now I knw why relationships come with strings attached:p:p

I notice that u have said "mangalsutra....married life for women.." andleft a gap. May I fill it??? :D:D:D Or no forget it, I am sure u can guess what I wud've written :D:D:D:D

Lavanya said...

Its probably coz all r'ships come with strings attached :-) And what better way to express expectations and expecatation fulfillment than to have a physical string on the wrist neck or wherever;-)?!

Arun Sriram said...

@Shreyas...Illa da macchi... i have left out Visu's manal kayiru...
@gaya-three - thanks.. i am no puupet to act based on movemnt of strings :)
@pramod - gud that u clarified on phone..else.. my imagination was actually running wild :))
@lavanya - "all r'ships come with strings attached" dont think so..but yes if u want to express ur sense of fulfilment or happiness by tying a little string wherever it is most convenient,no complaints ;)

Vin said...

i think i am really innocent, i cant think of any R rated string.

Kaavya said...

Hmm.. s our pal is thinking of G strings and rakhee strings and poonal and mangal suthra all in a breath.. well quite cinfusing as to what your mood was.. holy or full of holes???