The Thamizh Film Directors Association was abuzz with activity early in the morning of a rainy Tuesday on Nov 10th. Four middle aged actors paced in to the office in Chennai and lodged a petition citing apathy meted out to them over the past five years.
As the TV cameras zoomed in, the familiar faces of Vivek, Charlie, Chinni Jayanth and Dhamu appeared sans the typical facial antics. They were clearly miffed that they were removed from the college scene rather prematurely.
After RK Silvermani heard their case patiently, he explained to them that they were in their early forties and that Suman Shetty, Santhanam and other dumuks have already taken their place.
Not to be bogged down, the college veterans argued that this is a clear case of discrmination, as Bollywood have called back Aamir Khan and Madhavan along with Sharman Joshi to the campuses through 3 Idiots.
Dhamu reiterates the point saying he possesed extra talents like mimicry and more importantly better hair dyes than his Bollywood counterparts.
Vivek was agitated and threw away his cooling glasses as a symbol of accepting his age. He added that there was no more a need to hide his age showing through his sagging eye bags.
Chinni Jayanth feeling left out had the last say " Jilku Jikkan Jikka, Bollywood hero enna Kokkaa".
Charlie as usual filled the space on the conference dias with his mute presence, a role he used to do with aplomb in movies with a lab record book in hand.
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