12 June, 2018

An Act of cowardice?

I for one, used to believe that
Suicide was an act of cowardice
By someone not brave enough to face the world
Or brave enough to face consequences of an act

Slowly, I began to feel that it could be
A state of mind, where others see doors
While one sees just walls

It is not about the world view anymore
It is just about what one sees in the mirror

Mental well being can’t be stressed enough
And While I have nothing against visiting
 A psychiatrist or the cooler term ‘therapist’
For I have also used their services

Just like physical pain, the recovery path
Is outside the clinic.
Make use of the prescription, apply it well
But remember, just like in case of physical well being
Prevention is better than cure

We live in a world where happiness is
No longer a state of mind
It is an industry
Be conscious of what we are pursuing
Happiness or greed masquerading as happiness

instagram shows the choicest of foods savoured
Not the instakilograms It builds

Facebook may show the best vacations
Not the emi calculator

There may be times when we choose to introspect,but
Let each of us be conscious of whether
We are choosing to be aloof, alone or lonely

Conformity and compliance builds reverence
But they are not great ingredients for building memories
Sometimes, a bit of cheekiness, happy over right
Will help one live as a character, though not entirely in character

If there is one thing that will make you sleep
As soon as you hit the bed
If there is one thing that will Wake you up
Without a snooze on the alarm clock

You are here to stay
You are here to thrive
You are here to live

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