07 November, 2006

Arun, the Spammer!

Like every other sane person, I also get annoyed and irritated when I get emails from “Mmary” with a subject “Re:Your ticket to fantasy”. . Therefore, atleast corporates should have effective spam identification and removal rules, to ensure that employees don’t get disturbed by such crappy spams. And here is a company that takes this way too seriously...

Being a criminal is one thing and having a criminal brain is another. Extrapolating that.. being a spammer is one thing and having a spammer brain is another.. Here I was innocently sending a mail to my friends that I was planning a holiday in December, and that gets tagged as a spam as the subject line and the first line of the body of the message had the same text.

So the next mail, I had ensured that the mail subject line and content were not the same. Didn’t help much as the message was again as tagged as spam, because the body contained the word ‘virgin’. All I was telling him was that I would be flying back by Virgin Airlines L….

Since then, I have focused more on the subject and the text of the message than the actual content, and though this does not give as much high as hacking, it does give a very cheap thrill when the mail actually passes through as a non spam mail!


Shreyas Ramanathan said...

you still havent learnt your lessons...dont use office mail for personal stuff :)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!!! i was surprised myself at the extra stringent spam filters. Thankfully, the email atleast got to my inbox and was not cut away.

But yes i agree with shreyas and that why i use my work id very sparingly for personal purposes. :)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha thats funny!!.. i havent yet experienced these official emails ids.. maybe when i start working i'll know.. :)

Lavanya said...

Oh, you should not use your official id for personal use but you can mail personal stuff to an official id? That would be double spam right? GOG?!
Btw, good one this...

Arun Sriram said...

@ GOG and Pramod... thanx for ur two cents.. only wish u practice what u preach!
@ gaya-three..u might want to step into corporate world at ur our peril! wish u continue on ur creative pusuits...
@ lavanya..thanks...when GOG speaks we listen, with intent, with both ears plugged properly :)...